The island, which is wrongly associated only with mass tourism, has many different faces.
The scenic green north has an abundance of excursion and hiking destinations and, as the local island centre, is also very urban and populated. The beautiful old university city of La Laguna, the charming Anaga hills and Santa Cruz – the capital, with its art nouveau architecture and old parks – are located in the sometimes cloudy north-east. And the beautiful TEA Art Centre has just been reopened. Easy to reach: the amazing beaches of Las Teresitas, almost always in brilliant sunshine.
Located above the sunny south-east coast, in part at a significant altitude, are the villages that have been impacted by the rural exodus. The expanse that was used for agriculture in the past is depopulated today. It offers magnificent coastal views. Here are small beaches and villages with hardly any tourism.
Very idyllic little villages are even found further up on the sun-drenched touristy west coast, approaching the Teide National Park.